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Hello Folks! Welcome to my blog.


      To the many of you whom I do not know personally, allow me to introduce myself.  I'm a Jewish believer in Yeshua (Jesus) who for the last number of decades has been teaching and writing from the perspective of things that we are now seeing

God restoring to His people.  

Becoming aware of such things and the meanings behind them can be strategic, not only to our own individual lives, but to the Body altogether.  Join me as I address some of these issues to bring insight into what God is imparting to His people in the unique times in which we are living. 


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The Bewilderment of Suffering. . . and the Nearness of God!

Compiled & edited by Lonnie Lane

These are the autobiographical stories of ten women who have been through trials, trauma and tragedies, who found their way to wholeness through the nearness of Jesus. Their journeys have taken them from victims to victorious.  Each of their circumstances and paths of suffering is unique, but the common thread is the sustaining hope one can only find in the Lord. Most of us could likely write a chapter we could add, a story that could comfort others who may be experiencing a similar challenge in life. As you read these amazing first person accounts be encouraged that when God is with you in the fire, you too can be an overcomer.
This book will show you the way to hope and overcoming joy no matter the challenge or need.

 Paperback $16.00

Introductory Kindle price of $.99

for a limited time.  


A Word from the Lord for the days we're in.

The following is a prophetic word I posted four years ago. I just came across it this week and I sensed the Lord saying to post it again as it is even more relevant today. And so I begin this blog site with these first words.

I had a somewhat concerning dream that a couple who are pastors and friends of mine and I were preparing for some hard times. It woke me up at 5:30 a.m. I asked the Lord what it meant and He told me, “You will need your notebook for this.” So I got up and wrote this down. I have submitted it to a few people, my pastor friends included, who have felt this was from the Lord. See what you think.

"There are things about to take place in the world that will be perplexing to Christians who are expecting a revival in which people are saved and things are blessed as you have expected Christianity will be again in America. There will be people saved and people will always be coming to Me but the idea, the concept people expect is not how things will take place. You (plural) need to allow Me to reset your expectations of what Kingdom values are because a lot of what is expected is cultural but not Kingdom culture. There needs to be a rethinking of what constitutes Kingdom culture."

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